3 Resources From Our 43rd General Assembly
In our last blog post, we looked at why should Ruling and Teaching Elders leaving their churches for a week, travel hours away, and vote on motions and even obscure points of theology each year. Many of you will never attend General Assembly unless is again return to Virginia (in 2012 it was in Virginia Beach). Gordon and I don’t want what happens in our denomination to be disconnected from our local expression here in Spotsylvania, VA.
To that end we want to share some information particularly relating to our General Assembly that we recently attended.
We want to highlight three things in this post.
First, we want to provide you a link for all the video sessions including business and worship services. This includes all the business and voting that happened as well as the worship services – that is the main sessions. In addition to the main sessions there are also many seminars that happen multiple times each of the days of general assembly but these are not video recorded.
Second, below are the specific links to the three worship services for each evening at General Assembly together,
Tuesday Worship Service (http://bit.ly/1JRJRW1)
- Begins (9:25)
- Sermon – Bryan Chapel (38:30)
- Moderator of the 42nd General Assembly
- Pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL
Wednesday Worship Service (http://bit.ly/1HOFbP2)
- Begins (4:50)
- Sermon – Kevin Smith (40:45)
- Pastor at New City Fellowship in Chattanooga, TN
Thursday Worship Service (http://bit.ly/1LeaNwx)
- Begins (2:30)
- Sermon – Rankin Wilbourne (46:20)
- Pastor at Pacific Crossroads Church in Santi Monaco CA
Third, Gordon and I wanted to provide you with the personal resolution that he referred to in his sermon on June 14th concerning our denomination in promoting racism and failing to act to support the goals of the Civil Rights movement, in the past.
The text of the personal resolution can be found here, http://bit.ly/1QBgc7u.
The video that walks through the almost 2.5 hour time Thursday night session as the General Assembly discussed this personal resolution can be found here, http://bit.ly/1feTxNz. If you don’t have that kind of time to watch all of it, you can read a summation of that session here, http://bit.ly/1QEmdQU.