Life Together Series Launches 07/27
As Evident Grace moves into the second half of summer 2014, we are launching a 6-week sermon series entitled “Life Together” on July 27th.
“Life Together” will give a clear picture of what it looks like for us to live out our 3 distinctives: Community, Worship, and Service.
Our series is going to give us the opportunity to explore these “Life Together” distinctives in two different ways.
We are going to explore Community, Worship, and Service by celebrating.
As we study the scriptures, we are going to see that celebrating what God has done is essential to our Community, Worship, and Service. This way, we can speak of the Community, Worship, and Service milestones that God has given us in the past year and half, and we can study and pray specifically about where we might go next.
We have only scratched the surface of the depth of Community, Worship, and Service that we hope for at Evident Grace, so seeing those things as they are presented in scripture and thanking God for what He has done, puts us in the perfect place to pray, plan, and prepare for what comes next.
Celebrating is essential for our “Life Together”.
We are going to explore Community, Worship, and Service by growing in Biblical leadership.
As we study the scriptures, we are going to see that growing in Biblical church leadership is essential to growing in Community, Worship, and Service. The scriptures devote a great amount of time discussing what local church leadership looks like with elders and deacons, so we must understand the scriptures well as we move towards recognizing, training, and installing that leadership.
Multiplied and mature church leadership enables our people to be led well and mobilized well.
Biblical Leadership is essential for our “Life Together”.
Join us as we study and do “Life Together” beginning July 27th. You can find directions to our service as well as many other details about Evident Grace throughout our website.