“First Come, First Serve” an Evident Grace Christmas Celebration
The First Noel
Silent Night
Angels We Have Heard on High
These are the songs of the mark Christmas season. They frame many of our memories and expectations. In addition to these songs filling our radios and streams, Christmas is a time for the church to celebrate the birth of Christ. That is exactly what Evident Grace Fellowship will be doing from the Sunday after Thanksgiving (11/27) until the end of the year.
So, what makes our Christmas celebration unique this year? Well, our Advent series, “First Come, First Serve” will be centered on this truth:
“For Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 10:45
We hope that our celebration of Jesus’ birth will encourage and motivate us to see how we are now to live out a life of service just as the life of Jesus was a life of service. Towards that end, we will look at 5 ways that Jesus served us so that we can do the same. Those 5 ways will be presented in in the form of 5 questions:
11/27 How did Christ Come to Serve Us?
12/4 How did Christ Come For Us to Serve God?
12/11 How did Christ Come For Us to Serve One Another?
12/18 How did Christ Come For Us to Serve the World?
12/25 How did Christ Come for us to Serve the World?
Please join Evident Grace Fellowship, and please bring a friend. All are welcome, and all of our services will be highlighted with both traditional and contemporary Christmas classic songs.
You can find us each Sunday at 10am at:
Ron Rosner YMCA
5700 Smith Station Rd
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
And if you would like any more information about Evident Grace, you can find us at www.evidentgrace.com.